Monday, March 8, 2010

Karen Pryor i click clicker - BLACK

Karen Pryor i click clicker - BLACK

Product Description
  • Revolutionary in design and function the new i-Click was designed by the clicker trainers at KPCT to provide the next generation tool for clicker training.
  • Shhhh! Listen. A quiet click. For classes or for sound sensitive animals it's the must have tool. And animals that have been trained with a classic box clicker completely understand the lighter sound of the new i-Click.
  • Timing is Everything. With the new-i-Click you won't miss a clickable moment because you fumbled trying to use your clicker. The i-Click has been designed to let you click no matter how you happen to grab hold of it. Upside down click, sideways click, right side up click. You can click with your thumb, with your palm, even your foot. And no more worries about clicking with your gloves on, if you suffer from arthritis or if you have long nails or large hands.
  • Everyone Can Click. The new i-Click is disabled friendly. Drop the clicker on the floor (it always lands in a clickable position) and you can click with your foot. Strap it to a wheel chair and click with your palm or chin.
  • Balanced Clicking. The trigger has been engineered so that a small amount of pressure is all you need to click, but you aren't likely to click early or mistakenly either. Balance - something that a clicker trainer readily appreciates. Right Sized. The i-Click is small enough to be hidden in your palm; not only does this make it wonderfully discreet, but you can click in that position! This means you never need fret about the clicker becoming a visual cue.

If you want tu buy this, please click here.

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