Monday, September 15, 2008

Hott Doggers, XX-Small

buy, Dogs Accessories

An economy boot with a non-skid sole designed for hardwood floors, boat decks, and other potentially slippery surfaces. Provide comfort, protection and affordability. These boots are not designed for use on rough surfaces like cement. Machine washable. We know from experience that if you don't pull the Velcro Fastening Strap tight enough these boots will come off. So please, cinch 'em down when you get them on! Without proper fit Muttluks won't stay on your dog properly. There is a very simple way to measure your dog. Start by getting a pad of paper and pen. Now call your dog (or if your dog has you well trained, go get your dog). Place a front paw, that's important so we'll say it again, place a front paw on the paper while your dog is standing on it. Hey we didn't say this was going to be easy! Draw a line at the back of the paw right behind the foot pad and another line right in front of the toe nails. Hmm, you'll have to go get a ruler now (and you thought internet shopping meant sitting on your behind and clicking a mouse). Measure between the two lines. Size XX-Small: From 1.5" to 2.25".

If you want tu buy this, please click here.

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