Thursday, May 29, 2008


Persian, Himalayan or Angora cat is really very pretty and have elegant appearance. That is the causes why people like to take care them. They have a long feather, soft and developing. Its make they different from another cat. But the condition is only can be met in care long feather cat. Long feather cat didn’t care look filthier, dull and scary.

This is several things to take care the long fur cat.

1. Comb feather every day.

This useful to drop the dies feather so that not patch and of that in the live feather. Die feather will causes feather will mat and gimbals. Besides that, the die feather can causes hairball (feather lump in digestion for consequence swallowed when self grooming activity). If hairball can’t be vomitted up, it can dangerous for your cat. Comb also give benefit likes massage so that stimulate / accelerate blood circulation of your cat.

2. Comb contrary with direction of feather growth.

You can comb your cat begins from nape of neck towards in front of little by little until the end of your cat tail. Do it slowly, soft and feeling full so that your cat enjoys this activity. Use special comb made from metal ingredient and comb with tooth rather meeting.

3. Wipe face and feather surface so that the dirt take away.

Do this matter before is you comb your cat. Use soft and moist napkin.

4. Bathe with special shampoo for cat every 2 weeks.

Do this activity in the morning and weather enough clear, and of course your cat in a condition fit, so that cat doesn't feel cold and the feather will dry fast. Dry it with well so that the cat skin doesn’t moist. Moist skin condition will stimulate mushroom growth. If before 2 weeks, cat look dirty, just clean the cat with warm water and napkin without use shampoo. Bathes activity excessively give bad affect in feather appearance and long-range skin health because it will botch fatty tissue in feather and skin.

Good nutrient will be very subsidize for appearance and skin health. Give cat food that that give addition benefit for long feather or add supplement to subsidize for appearance and feather growth better.

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